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You’re about to leave the FMEL and continue your adventure elsewhere

But before you set off there are two or three things you have to take care of.

First of all, you must remember to terminate your lease on our booking portal (under Termination) at least two months in advance by the 15th or the end of a month. You’ll then receive confirmation of termination by email.

Let’s take the example of a student who wants to terminate the lease for her room on 30 June. She has until 30 April to terminate her lease via the booking portal. If she misses this deadline her lease will be automatically renewed and she’ll have to pay a full month’s rent or half a month’s rent.

After you’ve terminated your lease, one day you may want to return to the FMEL to complete your studies. The entire FMEL team will be glad to welcome you back. However, you will have to wait until six months after the end of the rental agreement (lease) before you can move into one of our residences. In this case, please contact the admin manager for your residence, who will be happy to reactivate your online profile

Packed and ready to go? Do you need to give your room a final sweep? Have you drunk a farewell toast? Remember to make an appointment with the caretaker of your residence at least one week before your departure to agree on the date and time of your check-out. Check-out involves doing an inventory of your accommodation. Please note that you mustn’t leave any personal belongings behind and that your accommodation must be impeccably clean. If it is not, we will be forced to bill you the costs of cleaning. The residence caretakers will be happy to advise and provide you with cleaning kits.


Release of your deposit

This is the last formality before your departure. Your admin manager will have emailed you confirmation of termination. Please read it carefully. It contains important information about the process for getting back your deposit. We do our best to release the deposit as soon as possible, but it may take a few weeks. It may take up to four months for your deposit to be reimbursed.

You must also complete the departure formalities with the population office (service de la population) of your municipality.

Make sure you leave enough time to take care of all these formalities before you leave. If would be a shame to miss your train or plane.
All that remains is for us to wish you a safe journey and every success in the future. We hope that you enjoyed your stay with the FMEL.

The FMEL team


Municipal formalities

It’s compulsory to declare your departure to the population office.

Atrium, Triaudes

Service du Contrôle des habitants
Place du Motty 4
Case postale 133
1024 Ecublens

+41 21 695 33 70


Office communal de la population
Rue du Centre 60
Case postale 201
1025 Saint-Sulpice

+41 21 694 33 62

Bourdonnette, Cèdres, Falaises, Rhodanie, Square

Service du contrôle des habitants
Rue du Port-Franc 18
Case postale 5354
1002 Lausanne

+41 21 315 31 33

Jordils, Rainbow

Office de la population
Route de la Gare 4
1026 Echandens

+41 21 701 06 38


Office de la population Crissier
Ch. de Chisaz 1
Case postale 146
1023 Crissier

+41 21 631 96 35

Ochettes, Vortex

Office de la population (Contrôle des habitants)
Case postale 36
Avenue de la Gare 46
1022 Chavannes-près-Renens

+41 21 633 33 30


Contrôle des habitants
Rue du Valentin 16
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

+41 24 423 66 00